:: SETVARIANTS prototype ::
(X⟿Y indicates that X is syntactic sugar for Y)
PATTERNS p ::= `tag (variant w/o argument) `tag p (variant with argument) p & p (intersection) p as x (capture) [ ⟿ p & x] p | p (union) (p, p) (pair) [p; ...; p] (list) p :: p (consed list) [] (empty list) () (unit) fun (captures any function) _ (wildcard) x (capture variable) b (boolean constant) n (numeric constant) EXPRESSIONS e ::= \ p ... p . e (functions) fun p ... p -> e recfun f p ... p -> e (recursive functions) function p -> e | ... | p -> e (functions by cases) function | p -> e | ... | p -> e recfunction f p -> e | ... | p -> e (recursive functions by cases) recfunction f | p -> e | ... | p -> e match e with p -> e | ... | p -> e (match) match e with | p -> e | ... | p -> e let p = e in e (let) let f p ... p = e in e (let function) let rec f p ... p = e in e (let recursive function) e : {t1; ...; tn} (type annotation: if e has type ti for all i then this expression is given type t1 & ... & tn) if e then e else e (if then else) e e (application) `tag (variant w/o argument) `tag e (variant with argument) (e, e) (pair) [] (empty list) [ ⟿ `Nil] e :: e (consed list) [ ⟿ `Cons(e,e)] [e;...; e] (list) [ ⟿ `Cons(e,...,`Cons(e,`Nil))] () (unit) b (boolean constant) n (numeric constant) x (variable) p (primitive function) PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS (prefixed) p ::= eq (equality) not (Boolean negation) and (Boolean conjunction) or (Boolean disjunction) succ (successor function) add (integer sum) sub (integer subtraction) mul (integer multiplication) div (integer division, fails if dividing by 0) safe_div ("safe" integer division: 2nd argument must not be 0) TOP LEVEL DEFINITIONS e let x = e let x : {t; ...; t} = e ⟿ let x = (e : {t; ...; t}) let f p ... p = e ⟿ let f = fun p ... p -> e let rec f p ... p = e ⟿ let f = recfun f p ... p -> e let rec f = function ... ⟿ let f = recfunction f ... TYPES t ::= 'a (type variables) Bool (booleans) Int (arbitrary precision integers) Caml_Int (integers) b (singleton [booleans]) n (singleton [integers]) `unit (unit) `Nil (empty list) `Cons(t,t) (consed lists) n--n (intervals of integers) X (type recursion variable) t WHERE X = t (recursive type) t->t (functions) (t,t) (products) t|t (union) t&t (intersection) t\t (difference) Empty (empty type) Any (top type) Arrow (all functions type) [⟿ Empty->Any] [* NOTE: an 'a list is encoded as X where X = `Cons('a,X)|`Nil *]
Enter at the command prompt an expression or statement according to the grammar given below the editor (mostly a subset of OCaml) and end it with a carriage return (SHIFT+enter for a line feed).
You can also click on the examples below to insert them.
(examples from the ICFP 16 paper)
let id x = x
id `A
let f x = match x with `A -> true
f (id `A)
let id2 x = match x with `A | `B -> x
id2 `A
let f x = match id2 x with `A -> `B | y -> y
let g x = match x with `A -> id2 x | _ -> x
let f x = match x with | (`A, _) -> 1 | (`B, _) -> 2 | (_, `A) -> 3 | (_, `B) -> 4
let f = function | `A -> `B | x -> x
let f : { `A -> `B ; 'a\`A -> 'a\`A } = function | `A -> `B | x -> x
(example from the ICFP 17 paper)
let f : { true -> Int -> Int ; false -> Bool -> Bool } = fun condition x -> if condition then succ x else not x;;
(other examples)
let rec map f = function | [] -> [] | h::t -> (f h)::(map f t);;
map (\x.x);;
map (function `A -> `B | x -> x);;
map (function `A -> `B | x -> x)[`A ; `B ; `B ];;
map (function `A -> `B | x -> x)[`A ; `B ; true ; false ];;
let reverse l = let rec reverse_aux acc = function | [] -> acc | h :: t -> reverse_aux (h :: acc) t in reverse_aux [] l
reverse [true ; false ; true ; true ]
reverse [1 ; 2 ; 3 ]
reverse [1 ; 2 ; 42 ; 3]
map reverse;; (* of type ('a list) list -> ('a list) list *)
let l1 = [1; 2; 4] in let l2 = [ true; false; 3; (\x.x) ] in map reverse [ l1; l2] (* of type (( ('a->'a) | Bool | 1--4 ) list) list *)
let g = function | (`A,`B) -> true | (`B,`A) -> false;;
map g;;
let g : { (`A,`B) -> true ; (`B,`A) -> false} = function | (`A,`B) -> true | (`B,`A) -> false;;
map g;;